Для молодых людей, живущих с ВИЧ, активистов и гражданского общества


Be in the KNOW

Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+)

Global Network of Young People Living with HIV (Y+ Global)




Aidsmap. 2020. ‘Undetectable viral load and transmission – information for people with HIV’ [webpage].

Aidsmap. 2021. ‘Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)’ [webpage].

Frontline AIDS. 2017. Good Practice Guide: Adolescent HIV Programming. Brighton: Frontline AIDS.

Frontline AIDS. 2018. Supporting Children, Adolescents and Young People Living with HIV to Start and Stay on HIV treatment. Brighton: Frontline AIDS.

Frontline AIDS. 2019. Sexuality and Life-skills: Participatory Activities on Sexual and Reproductive Health with Adolescents and Young People. Brighton: Frontline AIDS.

GNP+. 2017. Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention Booklets: What does it mean for networks of people living with HIV? and What does it mean for me? Amsterdam: GNP+.

IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation). 2020. Healthy, Happy and Hot: A Guide to your Rights, Sexuality and Living with HIV. [Revised edition]. London: IPPF.

IPPF European Network; UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia. 2017. ЗДОРОВЬЕ, ПРАВА И БЛАГОПОЛУЧИЕ. Практический инструмент для программ реагирования на ВИЧ и охраны сексуального и репродуктивного здоровья с молодыми людьми из ключевых групп населения в Восточной Европе и Центральной Азии. Brussels: IPPF European Network; Istanbul: UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

National Children’s Bureau. 2012. Student Life – Going to University or College: A Guide for People with HIV in their Teens and Early Adulthood. London: National Children’s Bureau.

READY (Reslient & Empowered Adolescents & Young People). n.d. Ready to Advocate. Global Network of People Living with HIV.

READY. 2018. READY to Care. Brighton: Frontline AIDS.

READY. 2020. READY to Learn. Brighton: Frontline AIDS.

SAfAIDS (Southern African AIDS Dissemination Service); UNFPA. 2016. iCAN Package: A Comprehensive Life Skills Package Focusing on HIV, Sexuality, and Sexual & Reproductive Health for Young People Living with HIV and Their Circles of Care – Facilitator’s Manual and Workbook. Harare: SAfAIDS; Johannesburg : UNFPA East and Southern Africa.

Whitbread, J. 2020. Young, Wild and Free: Implementation Guide. Y+; GNP +.

Youth LEAD. 2021. Young Key Populations Programming Guidelines: Inspiration for a new era of SRHR and HIV programming for young key populations in Asia-Pacific. Bangkok: Youth Lead.

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